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Formatting fieldset form
  • Hi,
    I'm in the process of rewriting my app, so that it uses ORM and currently I'm trying to generate a bit more complex form. I'd like to use the bootstrap tabs with it, but I can't find a way to add HTML elements to the form, when using fieldsets.
    Is it possible?

    Thanks for any answer
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    The fieldset generates a complete form, using the template defined in the forms config. This only works with relative simple forms, which bootstrap isn't.

    There are two options:
    - use the Fuel v2 Fieldset package
    - strip the forms config, build the HTML structure manually in your view, and use

    echo $fieldset->field('some_field')->build();

    to echo out individual fields of the fieldset, inside the bootstrap structure,

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