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Is the module name lowercase?
  • I have a question: Is the module name lowercase? I cannot to find this info in the module doc section.

    From the docs:
    "To avoid collisions, in Fuel every module lives in its own PHP namespace, which must be named identical to the folder name of the module."

    However, in other section in the docs it's said that all folder and file names must be lowercase.

    Thanks in advance!

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Yes, everything in the "Fuel file structure" is lowercase.

    The module directory name is the lowercase version of the namespace. That paragraph in the docs needs to be better formulated. If your module has the namespace "Admin", the folder is "admin".
  • "If your module has the namespace "Admin", the folder is "admin"
    Wow, it was clear!

    Thanks so much!

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