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Auth::get_user_id() should not return empty array when guest user config is disabled?
  • Ok, it is not a problem but it does API inconsistent, in my opinion, see:
    In Auth_Login_Driver (auth/classes/auth/login):

    * Get User Identifier of the current logged in user
    * in the form: array(driver_id, user_id)
    * @return  array
    abstract public function get_user_id();

    And in simpleauth.php:
    * Get the user's ID
    * @return  Array  containing this driver's ID & the user's ID
    public function get_user_id()
    if (empty($this->user))
    return false;

    return array($this->id, (int) $this->user['id']);

    Is not supposed get_user_id should return an empty array even though guest user config is disabled, In compliance with API?
    Because of method signature informs that returns is array, so Auth::get_user_id should always return array

    Currently if guest_login => false in config/simpleauth.php 
    Auth::get_user_id returns false.

    again, this is not exactly a problem
  • If there is nobody logged in, and there is no guest user account, what would you suggest it returns?

    array(false,false) is a bit weird too, it's better to modify the method signature. If only because changing this will break every application using Auth.
  • "If there is nobody logged in, and there is no guest user account, what would you suggest it returns?"
    An empty array.

    array(false,false) is a bit weird too, it's better to modify the method signature. If only because changing this will break every application using Auth.
    Yes, you're right! :)

    Thanks, Harro!

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