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NestedSet: $tree['children'] not working in dump_tree()
  • Dear,

    I cannot fetch children, using dump_tree(), 

    using Debug::dump($tree); provides this

    Kindly check and reply soon.

    My Controller as follows:

    So i fetching my Dashboard title using this <?= $sidebar_menu[1]['children'][2]['title']; ?>

    It is working, But i thing the fetching is too complicated. How i do it?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    It's a tree structure, so you need to recurse over it.

    We use this logic to retrieve the tree and display it:

    And it's view looks like this:

    Note that this is relatively old code, most of the logic in the view should have to go into a Presenter, to keep the view free of code. And it's specific to our application framework, so you might have to adapt it.
  • p.s.: this code produces the accordion main menu on the left:
  • I found easy way,

    Firstly i used \Arr::reindex() over the array Dump_tree(). So it created new index starting from 0, 
    So it is easy to create menu using a foreach(). Need very less logic.
  • If you only have one level of menu, that is an option. If your menu has unlimited depth, the only proper way to go over it is recursion.
  • Dear Harro, It is possible,
    I have done that

    i used, this, I getting all menu and also submenu, it it have. Kind reply required.
  • As I said, you can hardcode your loops when you have a known structure.

    Your code will probably work as long as there is only a main menu and one level of submenu's. As soon as you introduce a second submenu level (Menu -> submenu -> sub-submenu), you code fails. You don't have that with recursion. Obviously, your css must be able to support that.

    I can't judge whether or not this is an issue for you, I don't know your application. I just want to be complete in my answer, also for other people finding this thread.
  • Thanks Harro,

    Is there any way to read the max depth of tree?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Yes: $model->depth();

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