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Is it possibe call or access Fuel classes from twig template view
  • Hi, 

    I got a trouble when using twig temaplate views.
    I would like to know if we able to call or access Fuel classes from twig template view.

    For instance in my twig view (list.twig):
    <a href="Router::get('dashboard/delete')">delete</a>

    Thanks in advance!

  • Ok, I think no.

    So I've writing a twig extension:

    This is what I have right now:

    use Fuel\Core\Router as FuelRouter;
    * Resolve named routes from inside twig templates
    * @uses \Fuel\Core\Router
    class FuelRouterTwigExtension extends Twig_Extension {

    public function getName() {
    return 'fuel_router';

    public function getFunctions() {
    return array(
    'fuel_router' => new Twig_Function_Function(function($router_name, $params = array()) {
    return FuelRouter::get($router_name, $params);

    Now I add in bootstrap.php:
    'FuelRouterTwigExtension' => APPPATH . 'modules/dashboard/classes/twig/extension/functions/router.php',


    # Add extension
    View_Twig::parser()->addExtension(new \FuelRouterTwigExtension());

    And it done! It works for me:

    {{ fuel_router("my_named_route", {"param": "value"}) }}

    that's same than:
    echo Router::get("my_named_route", array("param" => "value"))

  • There is already quite a list of twig extensions defined by default, but this one isn't.

    if you can create an issue for it, at, so it can be added to the core.
  • Hi, Havo!

    I've added some features and now I can to access not only router resources but others meaningful stuff.
    However, I need get way in order to access fuelphp resources by automatic way (maybe a bit Reflection), my code is a bit "hardy coded"...anyway...
    For while what I have works very well!

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