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using class variables
  • hey!

    I'm trying to use variables in a model, but not having much luck.  Here is basically what I have:

    class Model_Currency extends \Model_Crud
    private static $country = 'GBP'; 

    public static function get_currency_code(){
    $code = DB::query('SELECT currencyCode FROM currency_code WHERE countryCode = "' . $self::country . '" LIMIT 1')->execute();
    $code = $code->as_array();

    return $code[0]['currencyCode'];

    But I get an error: Undefined class constant 'country' referring to the get_currency_code function.
    I tried non-statically too with non-static variable and refer to it in the function as $this->country, but get error: Using $this when not in object context

    I also tried sticking the variable in an init function - like you would a constructor, but that didn't work either!

  • itcanitcan
    Accepted Answer
    it should be: self::$country
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Even better:


    And I would advise against declaring something as private, unless you have a very good reason to do so. Use protected instead.
  • thanks for your help, guys. OK, so now I have:

    protected $country = 'GBP';

    and am referring to it as: static::$country

    but I get an error: Access to undeclared static property: Model_Currency::$country
  • DOH! nevermind... I realised I didn't have 'static' declared for the variable! 

    Thanks very much for your help
  • OK, so I'm now trying to wrap the variable and a setter function in an _init method:

    public static function _init(){
    static $country = '';

    public static function get_country(){ 
     static::$country = 'GBP'; 

    I get error: Access to undeclared static property: Model_Currency::$country

    Also, when I try to access the variable without the get_country function call (like:

    public static function _init(){
    static $country = 'GBP';

      static::$country (but this is in the function as before)
    I get: 

    Access to undeclared static property: Model_Currency::$country
  • it's OK... I figure out that the variable should be declared outside the init!

    Thanks anyway! 

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