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Database exception whitelist
  • Hello,

    I am writing an installation wizard which asks the user the db credentials that I save in the config/db.php.

    My question is, FuelPHP thrown a Database_Exception on this page because db.php has not been populated yet. That is normal behaviour.

    But I would like to bypass this exception to leave time for the user to input the db credentials.

    Is there any way to do that?

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    It won't throw an Exception on a missing db configuration, it probably throws an exception because you want to run a DB command while not having a db configuration.

    So the obvious answer is: don't do that. ;)

    Any idea what runs the DB command? Perhaps you're using Sessions with a db backend, and you autoload the Sessions class?

  • Good guess Harro. I had a session  loaded somewhere in my template file which ran the DB command.
    Thanks for your help!

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