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Mustache don't work with Model::find()
  •   //Controller
          'title' => 'Welcome',
          'books' => Model_Books::find('all'),
          'planets' => array(
              'nome' => 'Terra',
              'populacao' => '7 Bilhoes',
              'moeda' => 'Real'
              'nome' => 'Marte',
              'populacao' => '0 pessoas',
              'moeda' => 'Desconhecida'
        {{title}} => Welcome
          {{populacao}} => Show in array planets
          {{author}} => Don't work
          <p>Not match found!</p> => Too don't work

    how do I display the results from the model with the mustache?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I don't know Mustache, but could it be it wants an array there?

    If so, you need to convert from objects to an array:

    if ($books = Model_Books::find('all'))
        foreach($books as $key => $book)
            $books[$key] = $book->to_array();

  • Harro... exactly, as the ORM returns an object.

    I'm trying to bring the results of a single user.
    When there are no results, the mustache is working \o/
    But it is still not bringing users containing results.


    My controller.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    That will give you an array of arrays.

    As Mustache (if I understand the docs correctly) uses a section to access an array, you need nested sections, one for the outer array of all books, one for each book.

            {{author}} => Don't work

    If this fixes it, perhaps objects works too, I don't know how smart it is.
  • Sorry for the english ... I'm Brazilian :)
  • I made some changes...

      public function action_index()
        $this->template->title = 'Bem-vindo';

        if ($books = Model_Books::find('all', array('where' => array(array('user_id', $this->current_user->id)))))
          foreach($books as $key => $value)
              $books = $value->to_array();


        $this->template->set_global('books', $books, false);   
        $this->template->set_global('name', Auth::get_profile_fields('name'));

        $this->template->content = View::forge('wibs/content.mustache');

    <p>Olá {{{name}}} {{}} <a href="user/logout">Logout</a></p>

      <p>{{name}}</p> =>
    Is bringing only one result of DB

      <p>Not match found!</p>  => Work \o/

    Thus also returns only one result from DB

    My model:
    class Model_Books extends Orm\Model
      protected static $_properties = array('id', 'name', 'pages', 'user_id');
      protected static $_primary_key = array('id');


    Why did not return all results user?
  • [SOLVED]


      public function action_index()
        $this->template->title = 'Bem-vindo';

        $this->template->set_global('books', Model_Books::get_books($this->current_user->id), false);   
        $this->template->set_global('name', Auth::get_profile_fields('name'));

        $this->template->content = View::forge('wibs/content.mustache');

    //Function in Model

      public static function get_books($id)
          $data = DB::select()
            ->where('user_id', $id)

          return $data->as_array();

    And everything working... :D
    Thank you for your help Harro.
  • kazumikazumi
    Accepted Answer
    E qual era o problema?
    What was the issue though?
  • Kazumi, the way he was doing, Model_Books :: find ('all'), the data showed no mustache. Why ORM returns as an object. So I did the query that way.

    $ data = DB :: select () -> from ('books') -> execute ();
    $ data-> to_array ();

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