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Using Migration from Auth Package
  • Dear,

    I am using auth Orm, The problem is when i use migration from orm, i getting Many tables, Prev, for another app in fuelphp, i got only some tables, why this happen, any fixes?

    users_clients users_groups users_group_permissions users_group_roles users_metadata users_permissions users_providers users_roles users_role_permissions users_scopes users_sessions users_sessionscopes users_user_permissions users_user_roles

    Meanwhile, How i enable acl, groups, where is config of these,
  • These are Ormauth tables, created by the migrations in the Auth package.

    You need to populate these manually, using the ORM user objects also present in the Auth package.
  • php oil refine migrate --package=auth
    It will
    generate the tables as configured in the driver file /fuel/packages/auth/config/auth.php

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