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FuelPHP memory use
  • Hi guys,

    I work on a project based on FuelPHP. My pages weight between 14mb and 20mb for now, but i didn't test with a large amount of data yet.

    14 is fine and is used by all config and class files included, but I was wondering for the future, what is approximatly the limit to not cross ? It seem that Orm, when used with large amount of data and relations, consume a lot... So I want to know how far I can go, and what is the average consumption. Thanks. 
  • ORM isn't designed for batch operations (= large amounts of data), it is designed for interactive use and lists. It caches every model object, so if you load lots of records, memory consumption will quickly go up.

    For bulk operations it's better to use DB calls.
  • Yeah, and for the approximate average memory consomption for a production website ? 
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    That's the same as asking for the approximate maximum speed for a car. I differs greatly on design and specifications.

    We build corporate applications, so they tend to be more complex and heavy than your avarage website.

    If I look at one of them:
    - the dashboard page: 4,787
    - a heavy list screen with complex objects: 6,495
    - an edit form on one of those complex objects: 4,136

    Large or heavy processing, like for example invoice generation, we push into a background queue for processing, to that doesn't use memory or hold up the client.
  • I see, thanks

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