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  • I can see that packages can be installed via Oil, but it seems that they can only be installed if the fuel/core/config/packages.php has the source added. If I am to publish a package and want it to be available via Oil, whats the easiest way to do this?
  • For now you have to advertise your source with the package, but we have a great new system coming to make that all a thing of the past. The system is 80% done and will mean anyone can log in with their site/forum account and add a "package" to the directory, which will automatically be searchable and installable via the command line,. This is going to be a v1.1 feature though, as we cannot afford to distract the v1.0 release with Oil/third party code/stuff.
  • Phil Sturgeon wrote on Monday 2nd of May 2011:
    For now you have to advertise your source with the package, but we have a great new system coming to make that all a thing of the past. The system is 80% done and will mean anyone can log in with their site/forum account and add a "package" to the directory, which will automatically be searchable and installable via the command line,. This is going to be a v1.1 feature though, as we cannot afford to distract the v1.0 release with Oil/third party code/stuff.

    Thanks for the reply Phil. Looking forward to using FUEL and making some packages for it.

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