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Access Views/Presenters from other Contoller
  • Is it able to do it like that ? 

  • I don't understand the question.

    Your URI request leads to executing a single Controller method, there are no other controllers active at any given point.

    Do you mean you want bits of generic code, that you want to use from several controllers, for example to generate a header or a menu?
  • Can I use the set_safe in regular function, which is not view instances ?

    // or use the set_safe() method, which is identical to set() but defaults to 'false'

    $view->set_safe('title', '<strong> bold because unfiltered</strong>');
  • or can I disable the framework to convert my html code ?

  • Every time I use ajax to get my html code, I turn into plain text..  How can I disable it ?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    No, it's a method of the View class.

    Yes, you can, by disabling the filter, but is strongly recommended not to, since it disables all security. In general, if you have a lot of need for this, you're doing some wrong.

    I told you that twice before. If you want to output HTML, you need to disable encoding.

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