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  • I don't want to allow in my page with double click in form.I have used security check_token().But It doesn't work.How should i do?.here my code
    In controller
    public function action_supportcrt()
    if (Input::method() == 'POST')
    if (Security::check_token(Input::post('fuel_csrf_token')))
    Session::set_flash('error', 'Unsuccessfully');
    In View
    <?php echo Form::open(array('action' => 'top/supportcrt', 'method' => 'post')); ?>
    <?php echo Form::hidden($token_key, $token);?>
    <input type="button"  value="Back"  id="btn_return" onclick="javascript:history.back(); return false;" class="fbutton" />
    input type="submit" value="Save" class="sbutton"/></p>
    <?php echo Form:: close();?>

  • itcanitcan
    Accepted Answer
    <?php echo Form::open(array('action' => 'top/supportcrt', 'method' => 'post')); ?>
    <?php echo \Form::csrf(); ?>

    <?php echo \Form::close(); ?>

    in the controller:

    // Check CSRF
                if ( ! \Security::check_token())
                    // Error message
  • but it doesn't work.i change config
    'security' => array(
    'csrf_autoload'    => false,
    'csrf_token_key'   => 'fuel_csrf_token',
    'csrf_expiration'  => 1,

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    You expire the generated token after 1 second?
  • yes,but how many seconds do i use?
  • Well, one second means it is expired before a user has a change to post the form. So the token is always invalid, and the check always fails.

    Most people set it to zero, so not expire it for the duration of the users session. Even if you set it to an hour, if a user opens a form, starts working on it, goes to lunch, comes back, and finishes and submits the form, the form will be rejected due to an expired token.

    So in general only expire the token if you know you only have short-lived forms.

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