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Why Mongodb sorting are wrong ?
  • The buy is not ascending order: 327.65  330.49  333.1  328.81  329.00
    you can see only a few record, the sorting is mass up .

            $pairs = 'BTCUSD';

            $mongodb = \Mongo_Db::instance('trade');
                'buy' => 'asc'
            $mongodb->where(array('currency0' => $pairs));
            $c = $mongodb->get('fxquote');


    [0] => Array
    [_id] => 14191165849509-5027-7877
    [exchange] => okcoin
    [currency0] => BTCUSD
    [buy] => 327.65
    [sell] => 327.42
    [spread] => 0.070196856401636

    [1] => Array
    [_id] => 14191165829361-8202-7541
    [exchange] => coinsetter
    [currency0] => BTCUSD
    [buy] => 330.49
    [sell] => 328.46
    [spread] => 0.61423946261612

    [2] => Array
    [_id] => 14191165838565-6740-8801
    [exchange] => bitmex
    [currency0] => BTCUSD
    [buy] => 333.1
    [sell] => 329.05
    [spread] => 1.215851095767

    [3] => Array
    [_id] => 14191165838875-6710-7167
    [exchange] => bitfinex
    [currency0] => BTCUSD
    [buy] => 328.81
    [sell] => 328.11
    [spread] => 0.21288890240564

    [4] => Array
    [_id] => 14191165826589-1864-6206
    [exchange] => 796
    [currency0] => BTCUSD
    [buy] => 329.00
    [sell] => 328.67
    [spread] => 0.10030395136778

  • Have you tried enabling the profiler and see what it sends to Mongo?

    I can't see any immediate issue, it should add "buy":1 to the sorts list.
  • for quick and dirty fix... I add this code after the query  : (

            foreach ($c as $val) {
                $tmp[] = $val['buy'];
            array_multisort($tmp, SORT_ASC, $c);

            return $c;
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    That is not a fix, it's a workaround.

    If it is really a bug it needs to be fixed. But I can't imagine, that code hasn't changed in years, other people would have complained about that.

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