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FInding Unique set of elements from an array
  • Dear,

    I am posting in general forum, Kind reply appreciated.

    i have array in this way.
    [john]=>[[age]=>25 [gender]=>male]
    [lina]=>[[age]=>24 [gender]=>female]
    [thomson]=>[[age]=>24 [gender]=>male]
    [mariya]=>[[age]=>24 [gender]=>female]

    my array is large around 1000+ names. after running script, i will get array 
    [john]=>[[age]=>25 [gender]=>male]
    [lina,mariya]=>[[age]=>24 [gender]=>female]
    [thomson]=>[[age]=>24 [gender]=>male]

    how is possible, i am little more confused
  • I haven't got a clue what you are on about.

    You have something, you do something, then you have something else?

    You have to be a lot more specific I'm afraid.

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