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How can I integrate jsonRPCClient in fuelphp ?
  • I did some change, but it doesnt work at all

    namespace Tools\Model;

    class JsonRPCClient extends \Model {
    * Debug state
    * @var boolean
    private $debug;
    * The server URL
    * @var string
    private $url;
    * The request id
    * @var integer
    private $id;
    * If true, notifications are performed instead of requests
    * @var boolean
    private $notification = false;
    * Takes the connection parameters
    * @param string $url
    * @param boolean $debug
    public function __construct($url,$debug = false) {
    // server URL
    $this->url = $url;
    // proxy
    empty($proxy) ? $this->proxy = '' : $this->proxy = $proxy;
    // debug state
    empty($debug) ? $this->debug = false : $this->debug = true;
    // message id
    $this->id = 1;
  • Sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to do here.

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