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Email not send
  • hello 
    i tryed send email but i can't 
    i really need that 
    "mailgun/mailgun-php": "1.6"
     And how i make for it's works
    please help me

  • this is my controler

    public function action_form()
    $view = View::forge('contato/form');

    if(Input::post('name') and Input::post('email') and Input::post('message')){
    try {
    ->from(Input::post('email'), Input::post('name'))
    ->subject('Contato de')


    } catch (EmailSendingFailedException $exc) {
    $view->error = 'Não foi posivel enviar o email, por favor tente novamente!';
    // echo $exc->getTraceAsString();

    $view->error = 'Por favor preencha os campos!';

    $view->subnav = array('Contato'=> 'active' );
    $this->template->title = 'Contato » Form';
    $this->template->content = $view;
  • yes 
    i think this like a \Package::load('email');
  • where i put this "mailgun/mailgun-php": "1.6"
    what's line number ?
  • I think Kenjis refers to the email config file.

    You need to copy it from the email package to app/config, and then configure it for mailgun.
  • I did the settings but it did not work
    I think I must have misplaced
    app / config / config, I don't found that email should I create a configuration?
    and composer.json put in last line "mailgun/mailgun-php": "1.6"
    in the root directory
  • The default config is in fuel/packages/email/config/email.php. You can copy this to app/config and modify it, or create a new email.php file in app/config with the values you want to override.

    What do you exactly want? Just to send an email? Or use the mailgun service?
  • i need to send email i'll tray
    return this 
    Class 'Mailgun\Mailgun' not found

    PKGPATH/email/classes/email/driver/mailgun.php @ line 25

  •  Problem 1
        - guzzle/guzzle v3.8.1 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
        - guzzle/guzzle v3.8.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
        - mailgun/mailgun-php 1.6 requires guzzle/guzzle 3.8.* -> satisfiable by guzzle/guzzle[v3.8.0, v3.8.1].
        - Installation request for mailgun/mailgun-php 1.6 -> satisfiable by mailgun/mailgun-php[1.6].
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Without cURL it's not going to work.

    Maybe this will give some pointers:
  • Thax i can send email 
    installed all the dependencies that were appearing to succeed

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