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EMAIL - Email attachment not found: title.png
  • am having this error ?

    Email attachment not found: title.png

     $email = Email::forge(); 
     $email->from('', ''); 
    //$email->html_body('Tu password es '.$rand.''); 
     $email->html_body(\View::forge('email/new_registration', $email_data)); 
     $email->alt_body('This is my alt body, for non-html viewers.');

    $email->subject('ABC PROJECT - Nueva Cuenta'); 
     $result = $email->send();
  • There are probably images in your HTML.

    When you send that as an email, the images have to be removed from it, attached to the email, and the links to them replaced by cid links to the attached images.

    Check your html, and make sure all assets exist and can be loaded.
  • I think is the path, if the path isn't absolute cause this error
    I changed it to absolute and the error is solved

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