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Admin Scaffolding, please explain
  • Hello,
    Please bear with me. I've played with a few different frameworks, and rolled a few of my own just for the sake of learning. I enjoyed fuel and found it less confusing than some of the other alternatives out there. 

    Here is where I find a lot of confusion though. I don't really understand admin-scaffolding and I was wondering if anyone could explain it to me. In the docs, I didn't find out too much about it, and google hasn't returned a lot about it other than using it for template switching. 

    Is it a way of separating the front and back end, or a different way to play with main templates? Why not just generate another model / view / controller and dub it admin? If this is a better way of doing this, then i'm all for it. I just don't understand why you would need a specialty oil command to do so. It seems like it's much more complex than that, I just don't understand the point.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Scaffolding generates html, depending on your settings also the model, migrations, etc. Nothing more. There is no authentication involved.

    Admin scaffolding generates code protected by Auth. It also has a bootstrap based menu system in which the generated crud pages are added.

    So the code generated is different.
  • Thanks for the quick answer Harro!

    Is there anywhere that I could really see examples of the Admin scaffolding and different use case scenarios? It's just not clicking for me what the purpose of it is. 
  • I personally have never seen the fun of code generation in it's current form. I use it on occasion if I need a quick crud form and don't have phpmyadmin available, but never for apps.

    After you have build your first Fuel app the way you want it, you tend to re-use all the "boilerplate" of that first app for all apps that follow...
  • I know the feeling. I'm the same way. You change things as you go, and learn from what you've done, but it's pretty much a re-hash of the first app. This is the first time I've really broken into a new framework. 

    I tried playing with kahona, but it was very complex and all of the documentation was outdated and fragmented. I think that was the biggest death of that framework, bad documentation. Codeigniter, is dead too, and too much old code. 

    I'm not really a big fan of laravel. But I really do enjoy Fuel. I've been barking up a few trees to get the documentation up to date. I guess that's next on the agenda after they put out the next big release. In my opinion, while there is a lot of documentation, there is still quite a bit lacking for more advanced topics. And there really isn't much out there as far as tutorials or anything. 

    As of right now, I've completed the UCF crash tutorial, which really helped to explain things, especially after they updated it. I'm close to finishing up a re-write of one of my first projects, and it's really helping to understand even more of the framework. Bug again, I find myself repeatedly going back into the forums to better understand things from the documentation that isn't really there. 

    I'm hoping to do a few tutorials off of what I've learned through this re-write. After the next release, I'll probably fix a few things here and there and start on the tutorials. 

    I do have to say though, the code generation is a big help, and does speed things along. The syntax is probably the hardest thing to get around though. I'm hoping for an improvement in that area. Hopefully it'll get usable for you as well. Migrations were completely new to me, but after botching a few, I got my head around it. I think it was actually a couple posts from you that helped as well. Keep up the good work, hopefully I can help around the forums as time goes by. I apologize for the wall of text. 

    tldr; Thanks.
  • Documentation is always very difficult to get right, and it takes a lot of time to create and maintain it.

    For the current release, the documentation is based around the API, which means it is not suited to beginners, who would like to be lead more by example.

    For Fuel v2 we are starting from scratch, with more functional documentation focused on how to achieve certain tasks, and not focussing on the API, which documentation can (and will be) generated. Once the beta is out, we'll try to find someone who wants to take ownership of the documentation, you really need someone to make sure the docs (and stay) up to scratch.

    We would love help in that area, if you feel up to it, it's probably best to ping Steve or Mark in IRC, they are busy with the new documentation system (which is going to be markdown based, and allows for online updates directly via github).

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