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1 to 1 Project copy // error
  • He folks,

    I have a finished project which i would like to user for another bigger project. So I copied all files in another dir. I did the exactly same setup for both projects but the new, copied gives me this error.

    ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]:
    Method Parser\View_HamlTwig::__toString() must not throw an exception 

    I have no glue whats going on here. 
    Both directories are exactly the same (no diffs at all).
    Do you have any ideas ? 

    thanks a lot, 
  • Always tricky, this type of error, since the original error is hidden.

    What you can do as a test, is to go into fuel/core/bootstrap.php, and disable the set_error_handler() and set_exception_handler() function calls. You should see the original PHP errors then.

    My first guess would be either a missing composer package (twig and haml are an external depenencies and should be in fuel/vendor), or a file rights issue.
  • He Harro,

    thanks a lot, after this trick I found the error.
    It was a file rights issue.

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