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Possible bug - DOCROOT for tasks
  • Just thought I'd report an issue that I ran into that might - or might not - be a bug. I have a file-handling class that has been working fine in unit tests and within Controllers. However, when I wrote a task that used it, it failed to behave as expected.

    After a bit of digging, it turned out to be that the DOCROOT constant is defined differently within tasks. Usually it points to the /public directory, but within a task, it's defined as the project root (ie. one directory above /public). My config files defined a couple of directory locations relative to DOCROOT, so these were no longer being located correctly when accessed from within the task.

    I fixed this by defining them relative to APPPATH instead, which seems to work (perhaps that's what I should have done all along), but thought I'd report this because it was unexpected behaviour and seems like a possible bug.

    (Oh, and for the record, this is with Fuel 1.7.2)
  • This has been discussed for at least 3 years now. ;-)

    Short answer: there is no way the oil frontloader can determine what your definition of DOCROOT is, so it's set to a default value the same way it's done in index.php.

    If you have a need to make it the same, you have to modify it yourself.

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