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Put a / at the end of the url
  • I would like to add a "/" at the end of my url. instead of

    In the config the "url_suffix" option, I added the "/" in the value, but it appears that it doesn't work.

  • What URL? Where? How?
  • The "url_suffix" isn't a suffix to your general url but something like ".html" or ".php" or ".foo" if you want to add that to all your URLs (using e.g., ".htm" makes it look like it's a static site being served and no dynamic content.

    By default, if I recall that correctly, you need to have a trailing slash at the end of "base_url" anyway, which will add that to all links to your base url. If you use something like ```\Html::anchor()``` or ```\Uri::create()```, just add the trailing slash manually.

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