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Can't use Asset in advanced mode
  • Hello all!

    I want to make multi-template project and try to use Asset class in advanced mode as separate instances.

    When I try use static class, it works ok:
    - In base controller -
    Asset::css('style.css', array(), 'face');

    - In view -

    But when I try use instance of class, something goes wrong:
    - In base controller -
    $asset = Asset::forge('face', array('paths' => 'assets/face/'));
    $asset->css('style.css', array(), 'facegrp');

    - In view -

    In the last way I get the error:
    Fuel\Core\FuelException [ Error ]: Could not find asset: style.css

    Can you help me to understand, what do I do wrong?

    PS: The style file style.css is placed in assets/face/css/.
  • Ok. I decided to approach the issue seriously and installed the netbeans with xdebug :)
    I find out that Asset::forge('face', array('patths' => 'assets/face/')) has no effect I expected. No new path was added. I don't known is it a bug or I don't understand all of the developers plans for this config parameter, but I also find out that $asset->add_path('asset/face/) works good like as Asset::add_path('asset/face/') with static version.

    I am satisfied with that, but maybe Asset::forge has a bug, what do you think about it?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Asset::forge() does:

    new \Asset_Instance(array_merge(static::$default_config, \Config::get('asset'), $config));

    So it merges the default config, any asset config file loaded, and the config you pass, and passes that on to the instance created.

    The constructor of Asset_Instance does:

    // global search paths
    foreach ($config['paths'] as $path)

    So you see that 'paths' is defined as an array, not as a string:

    $asset = Asset::forge('face', array('paths' => array('assets/face/')));
  • Thank you. You are right!
  • Oops. You are right, but not documentation.


    // instantiate a asset object with a custom search path
    $asset = Asset::forge('custom', array('paths' =&gt; 'custom/assets/');

  • The config docs are ok (they specify it has to be an array) but the two examples in advanced are indeed incorrect. I've fixed those.

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