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Basic Question about Controller_Template
  • This might be very basic thing to ask but I have this problem.

    When using Controller_Template, and you want to exit from an action,
    I wrote the following. 

    $this->template->title = "LOGIN";
    $this->template->content = View::forge('users/login');
    return false;

    This gives me a blank white screen on my browser.
    How do I exit from an action and still render the template?

    Thanks for your help. 
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    The Controller_Template doesn't use, nor expects, return values.

    So simply use "return;" (or if you insist on returning a value, "return null;".
  • Harro

    As usual you are a life saver.
    Simple "return" seems to be working.

    I tried return false, exit and die. All of them returned white screen.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    That is because the after() method of the controller does

    if ($response === null) ...

    to check if anything was returned.

    If so it will use that instead of the template, it allows you to return for example a View object and override the template system (for example for an error page that doesn't use the configured page template).

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