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How to use smarty plugins
  • I want to use the Smarty Extensions.

    I have installed Smarty and have set this in parser.php:

      return array(
        'extensions' => array( 'tpl' => 'View_Smarty' ),

    My action function is:

      public function action_index() {
        return Response::forge(View::forge('home/index.tpl'));

    The view file attempts to use the fuel_version() function:


    I get:

    SmartyCompilerException [ Error ]:
    Syntax error in template .../fuel/app/views/home/index.tpl"
    on line 3 "{fuel_version()}"
    unknown function "fuel_version"


    What am I missing?


  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    My Smarty is very rusty, but afaik you don't call functions that way, you use {fuel_version}, see
  • Yes, you're absolutely right.
    No parens.


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