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Call to undefined function Fuel\Upload\finfo_open()
  • I'm using the latest release from this site. When I access the Upload class I got the error in the title screen.

    It is on line 223 of fuel/vendor/fuelphp/upload/src/Fuel/Upload/File.php

    Here is the code:

    Here is my settings:
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    You didn't check the requirements (see

    Fuel requires the finfo extension. For PHP 5.3+, this extension must be included, and on Linux builds in is. On some Windows builds, you need to enable the dll in your php.ini manually.

    And some shared hosters leave it out on purpose (for so-called security reasons), if this is the case all you can do is complain and/or find another hoster.

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