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Invalid param count using parameter in where
  • Hi,

    Just wanted to check whether it is possible and allowed to use parameters in the WHERE clause of a query. I was attempting the following (using ORM):

      $songs = Model_Song::query()
                ->where(\DB::expr('MATCH(artist, title) AGAINST(:query IN BOOLEAN MODE)'))
                ->bind(':query', Input::post('q'))

    but I am getting "Invalid param count for where condition." at PKGPATH/orm/classes/query.php @ line 481.

    I thought I would "solve" the problem by DB::quote()ing the input string and plugging it directly into the DB::expr, but that gives me the same error.

    [Edit] Found this topic - - I am using version 1.7.2.

    P.S. I put this under General because I think it is related to the DB classes and not specifically to the ORM. If not, feel free to move it.

  • Afaik where() expects 2 or 3 arguments, either "field" and "value", or "field", "operator" and "value". The error you get here is because only 1 argument is passed (hence the invalid param count).

    1.8/dev has more support for DB::expr() in where() clauses, but I'm not sure this scenario is supported, you'll have to test that.

    If you're using git, simply checkout 1.8/develop. if you're using composer update it with --prefer-source, and if you've used the zip, make a copy of your fuel installation folder, and swap fuel/packages/orm with the contents of
  • Just checked, 1.8/develop also requires at least 2 arguments.

    It's probably better to run a normal DB query (not sure it has this limitation), and use as_object() if you want ORM objects as a result.
  • Thanks for your quick reply Harro.

    I am a bit confused now, the topic I linked to ( seems to imply that as of version 1.7.1, where supports passing a DB::expr() as the only argument. Is this not the same interface that calling query() on an ORM model uses?

    I will try with as_object when I get home.
  • The SQL builder seems to understand it from the looks of it, but the where() method bails out directly if only 1 argument is passed, so it doesn't even get to building the SQL.

    You could test by disabling the "Invalid param count for where condition." exception in the _where() method, and see what the result is.

    It could be a

            if ($condition instanceof \Fuel\Core\Database_Expression)

    needs to be added.
  • I pushed a fix for this (to 1.8/develop):

    But there are more issues: ORM does not support bind(), and ORM uses generated table aliases which you have to use to prefix "article" and "title", but you don't know what is generated.

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