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how to fixed this? require(): failed opening required '\classes\autoloader.php'.
  • how to fixed this? require(): failed opening required '\classes\autoloader.php' (include_path='.;c:\xampp\php\PEAR') in c:\xampp\htdocs\olivecode\oil on line 52.

    I imported an existing fuelphp project from repository, when I import it.

    I try to install it basing on the basic installation, actually I'm not sure if I did the steps correctly, I want to setup this fuelphp application in my local. Also what it makes hard for me is that the existing project has database (.mwb) file. Already install mysql workbench for that but I don't know how to connect it. But first, I want to find the solution about the installation before going through the database. Again, I'm very new to fuelphp, I even find it hard to install in my local, can anyone help and me guide me through everything? Thank you very much.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    No need to ask the same question multiple times, you won't get help any quicker.

    This just looks like either no rights (unlikely on Windows), or your repo simply doesn't contain the framework. To make sure, I need the answer to my previous reply.
  • Thanks, just thinking that somebody out there would reply. Thanks a lot Mr. Harro Verton for fast reply.

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