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Load current module config
  • Hi,

    I'm trying to use Fuel Modules.

    I've created my module and created my first controller. In this one, I want to use Auth package. In the config module file, I've added "auth" package in the "always_load" section. But It seems that the config file is not loaded. I've the error "Class 'Auth' not found". And if I add "auth" in the "always_load" section in the main app config file, it works. So, I think that's because my module config is not loaded.

    Here's my controller :

    namespace MyModule;

    use \Controller_Hybrid, \Input, \Config, \Lang, \Auth, \Asset, \Theme, \Fuel, \Response;

    class Controller_Authentication extends Controller_Hybrid
        public $theme = "mymodule";

        public function before()
            if (Input::is_ajax())
                return parent::before();

            Config::load('MyModule::config', true);

        public function action_logout()
            $auth = Auth::instance();
            Session::set_flash('success', Lang::get('admin.authentication.logout'));

        public function after($response)
            // If no response object was returned by the action,
            if (empty($response) or  ! $response instanceof Response)
                // render the defined template
                $response = Response::forge($this->theme->render());
            return parent::after($response);
  • You don't need to manually load the config file, packages are self-contained, if they need config, they will load it.

    Auth does need to be in the "always_load" packages section though. If not, the package isn't known to the autoloader, which will then be unable to load any classes from it.

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