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How can I return a calculated field in my model?
  • Hello,

    I have 5 fields in my model and want to return only one based on who is logged in.
    I want to return fld1,fld2,fld3,fld4,fld5 as fld

    Can my model handle this or must I use DB:Select?

  • If you're talking about ORM, An ORM model object is an exact representation of a single record.

    You are not supposed to SELECT columns (although there is limited support), and there is therefore also limited support for using an alias in a select.

    You can run a DB::select(), and use as_object('Model_Mine') to have the result returned as instances of Model_Mine. It is strongly suggested to do a "SELECT *, fld5 as fld" to make sure the object is fully populated. This avoids ORM issues when the object is re-used elsewhere.

    If you're talking about just a model class, you're in control of it's implementation.
  • I tried just adding a public $price to the orm model.

    but when I reference it by $row->price, I get nothing.
    I did this before in yii, but am unsure if the syntax is the same.
  • It doesn't work that way, ORM models don't use traditional class properties.

    You have to use assignment ($model->var = $value) or the set() method to set a custom property.

    This also means you can not pre-define them, unless you create it in the class constructor.
  • Sorry I am being so think on this.

    Can I assign the price in my model using pose_find event?
    I tried adding it in the results array, but it is not working.

    basically for each record found, I need to have a price field that contains one of the 5 price fields in the model based on the user logged in.
  • pose_find event?

    If it is a custom field based on data in the original record, I would use an "after_load" observer that sets it.
  • It's an observer you will have to write, as it is custom logic. It's only a few lines of code, and you can look at the pre-defined observers to see how they work and how you should create one.

    Observers are great for performing actions to each ORM object of a specific class, before or after load, before or after save.

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