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array_to_attr and HTML5 valueless attributes
  • HTML5 tags include a number of valueless attributes, and the array_to_attr function from base.php does not seem to handle them appropriately. For example, the script tag has the attributes async and defer, neither of which require a value to be set.

    At present the only way to pass these attributes is in the form attr="attr", which is valid in XHTML but against HTML5. It seems as if the array_to_attr function could fairly easily be made to handle these by using a value of null (it currently ignores keys in the passed array with a null value).

    I'm definitely willing to create a pull request with this but wanted to check first to see if there's a specific design reason it functions this way?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    It was written with XHTML in mind, and never updated.

    I suggest to add an additional argument, to not break any backward compatibility:

    function array_to_attr($attr, $html5 = false)

    and then do something like this?

    // deal with null and bool values
    if (is_null($value) or is_bool($value))
        if ($html5)
            $attr_str .= $property.' ';

    In other words, if the value can not be "printed", only add the property. It doesn't really matter if it's null, false or true.

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