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plural problem
  • I have a table called 'msdos'. if I use oil scaffold it will generate Model_Msdo. if it in english it would be no problem.., but in my language, singular and plural is not about putting 's'

    I wonder is there a way to make it still named Model_Msdos, because it makes me a little confuse

    I tray to rename the class to Model_Msdos and rename msdo.php to msdos.php but when I call trough url it saymodel/msdo.php" does not contain class "Model_Msdo". 

    tq for any advice
  • The Fuel Inflector class only has a ruleset for the English language, and no option to load another ruleset (other than overloading the class).

    We never found it very useful, I personally don't think it's a good idea to localize table and column names, variable names, code comments, etc. It also makes everything more portable, I would never use localized code, to difficult to understand what it exactly does.

    But then again in my country every dev speaks English, and having non-native devs is common...

    So if you want this, you need to overload Inflector, and replace it's ruleset by the ruleset of your native language.
  • ok..., thanks Harro

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