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phpunit test Controllers
  • I'm using Request::forge() for controller test as follows.
    I want to disable all core class object cache (static properties).
    Isn't there a good method for that?

        public function test_action_edit_fail($test_id)            
            $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST';
            $_POST['s_ym'] = '2015-05-11';
            $this->_assert_eq_err($test_id, 'error_msg1', '_post_name1');
            $_POST['s_ym'] = '2015-05-12'
            $this->_assert_eq_err($test_id, 'error_msg2', '_post_name2');

        public function test_action_edit_success($test_id)            
            $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET';        
            $response = Request::forge('/top/index/')->execute()->response();        
            $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST';
            $_POST['status'] = 2;        

        private function _assert_eq_err($test_id, $msg, $name)
            $this->assertTrue($msg == Session::get_flash('error')[$name]->get_message());
            Fieldset::reset();    // clear static::$_instances (extends core class)
            Input::delete();      // clear static::$input
        private function _assert_eq_success($test_id)
            $this->assertTrue(Session::get_flash('success') != null);
            Model_Reserve::reset(); // clear static::$_cached_objects[get_called_class()]

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I wouldn't know, I have always found statics difficult to test, and never bothered.

    Ideally you should test individual controller methods directly, in isolation, and not the entire Request/Response chain.
  • OK, Thank you :)
  • If you could reset static properties, put the code in `setUp()`.

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