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Help with image in html and sending via email
  • Hello, I am using tinymce and filemanager and getting an error.
    inside tinymce, my html looks like <p><img src="../../assets/media/images/ntwstore.jpg" alt="" width="180" height="135" /></p>

    The image shows ok in editor and when I send I get:
    Email\AttachmentNotFoundException [ Error ]:
    Email attachment not found: ../../assets/media/images/ntwstore.jpg

  • I think I have it.
    I had to use  relative_urls: false,

    in tinymce::init

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I assume your TinyMCE code is installed so that going to folders up and then down into assets finds the file. This is the problem with relative paths, they only work in one place, so avoid them.

    If Email sees a relative path, it assumes it's relative to the DOCROOT, which this file isn't, so avoid relative URL's.

    Perhaps this might help:
  • Thanks Harro,

    I had a hard time debugging this and was at a point where I was going to chuck Tinymce and try ckeditor.

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