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How do I deploy to webfaction?
  • Hello,

    I already have multiple apps running on webfaction under folder webapps.

    Do I just move and rename public in my fuelphp app to webapps?
    If so, where do I put my fuelphp app?
    Do I put my fuelphp app before webapps?

    or under webapps do I have a folder fuelphp(myapp) and a folder public(mystartapp)

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    So the 'webapps' folder is their webservers' document root?

    If so, follow the instructions in the docs for "installation inside the document root".

    The idea of having a "public" folder is to make sure all your code is outside the webservers document root, so that if it is compromised, no code that is injected can be called from the internet.

    If you can't make that separation, because all you have is a docroot, then having a "public" folder becomes pointless.

    But, since you say you have a folder called 'webapps', can you create other folders at the same level? Can you have /fuelphp and /webapps/mystartapp? If so, you can still make the split.
  • Thanks Harro, I will have to check if I can create a folder at webapps level.

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