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how to load email->bcc from database?
  • Hi,
    I need to load the bcc with emails from my users table.
    will the as_array() work?

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Depends on what your as_array returns.

    You can pass an assoc array to bcc(), containing 'email' => 'name' entries.
  • [code]
    $query = Model_User::query()->where('email','<>','')->get();
    $users = \Arr::pluck($query, 'username', 'email');

    I am not getting the bcc copy.
  • It's working now.
  • For future readers, what was the problem?
  • No problem, bcc was going to my spam folder. :-)
  • ah, ok. Thanks for clearing that up. :-)

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