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  • hi every one,
    i am a joomla user! :) and for my last project i decide to use a framework, i created some modules and components for joomla, it is cool but joomla is not for real web application, so i taste some php frameworks, codeigniter, laravel, cakephp and fuelphp.

    i really liked Codeigniter, it is fast and lean but have some limitations!, like auth. library, template and HMVC ( modules and widgets), yes there is some really good third-party libraries,

    laravel and cakephp (specially ver. 3) are really nice, but i need some thing complete that let me do my job on my own way, with no huge learning cure,

    CI is very good, and fuelphp is too, i read FuelPHP roadmap and page of team, cool, but how is it active?

    i am new in php frameworks, i need tutorials and samples and active forum to ask questions, how is the fuelphp status?

    what about future of fuelphp? laravel and other frameworks EATING developers :D , what has FUELPHP for developers over laravel?

    MUST I DO :
    - going with CI ( i like it )
    - selecting other frameworks (i didn't like them ;) )
    - learning FuelPHP ( i think fuelphp is nice as CI )

    thanks for your suggestions,
  • Is CI alive again then? It was as good as dead when we left the CI scene to start with FuelPHP back in 2010.

    If you like to follow the latest hype, if you don't have a problem with selecting a new framework for every project, if you don't have to maintain applications for several years then yes, there is an abundance of frameworks to choose from.

    If however your case if different, then just have a chat with people that developed on Laravel 3. And where they are now.

    Fuel, like CI in a sense, doesn't run behind the latest fads. We prefer slow and gradual growth, easy upgrade paths that don't break your applications (and the bank!).

    I can't tell you what to do, if only because I'm biased.  :-)
  • Thank you Harro for your reply, I don't like to learn EVERY way for doing same jobs, and if it was possible, i didn't select other framework rather than joomla, so i search for something complete, robust and easy for newbies, and important, STABLE,
    i found CI3, I think!! it is live in its new home and planning and development is going on, Fuelphp is nice, in fact i like it after 2-3 days studying its documents, they are clear! and simple, good job :)

    i need something stable with needed features (not modern and cutting edge) but you know best way to learning is doing things and solving real problems on the way, so big community with many tutorials and sampled are important,

    i studied forum, and docs and searched for fuelphp on the net and watched git, i like to play more with fuelphp but i am worry about its future, i know you and other members of fuel team have very very high skills, but many others go to use laravel in recent years, (my main problem is that i didn't want to use them :( )
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I can't give you advise, there are to many personal factors that are involved.

    FuelPHP is, compared to the likes of Laravel, not so popular with individual developers, they don't think is new, shiny and cutting edge enough. Same can be said about CI though.

    We don't really care, we don't primarily cater for that group of developers. FuelPHP is mainly used in a more corporate context, development agencies or internal development departments of large companies, who are facing having to build large and complex applications with a 5-7 year maintenance cycle.

    If you look at companies that had choosen Laravel in the past, and had written an application in L3 with say 5 man-years of work. To maintain that application, they had to upgrade to L4 and now L5. Which would have meant a complete rewrite of the application, since L3, L4 and L5 are from a technical point of view 3 different frameworks, from the same author. No company wants to spend that kind of money and waste so many resources with nothing functional to show for.

    I have recently upgraded a FuelPHP application that was written on Fuel 1.0 beta in Q1 2011 to the latest release version. Which was done in less than a day.

    Versioning is another discussion. People say "Fuel is still version 1, Laravel is already at 5". My answer is "it's only a number". We will only go to version 2 if that breaks compatibility and upgrade path, and that is something we will not do lightly, given what I wrote earlier.

    We have been working on v2 components for quite some time. v2 is completely modular, so they can be used in any v1 application, which is what we do internally. And by actually using them we can iron out any issues, get them to a production stage, work out how to integrate them into an existing application, how to migrate, and we will introduce them into the v1 eco system until we're left with only a v1 core. Then it's time to introduce a new core, and with that, v2 of the framework.
  • I used Laravel and got tired of the fast upgrades that changed coding logic and directory structure.
    Started an app in CI3 using the HMVC third party addon. I then tried to develop the same app in fuelphp and quickly had a productivity boost. Fuel was easy to grasp and when I had logic issues, Harro was quick to respond and get me on the right path. Is Fuel perfect, no I would like to see better generation logic that includes pagination (like yii). But so far, I am happy with it and hope it will have a long life.

    There are so many frameworks out there, but will they be there in a year? 
    If you like CI3, then go fro it, it has some nice features.

    You can do what I did and start the app in CI3 and Fuelphp and this will give you a better understanding of each framework.

  • a framework that created by successful software company can be better than one that want to collect every good things, i decide spent more time on fuelphp, not as most popular framework , as a good tool for me and my team for creating web application without pain ;)
    I know there will be many many question that i hope community of fuelphp help me, and i am waiting for news about fuelphp.


    thank you for you replies.
  • thank you Frank
    i used CI3 for month, it is nice but is not complete, as Harro says i need some thing for long period, i wish fuelphp has long and bright life :)
  • Is there any blog or site that published tutorials for fuelphp?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    There is some information in the documentation, and there's a series of tutorials on NetTuts. What there is, is mostly third-party.

    But as we never "marketed" FuelPHP as a framework for the beginner, we haven't put that much effort in ourselfs.
  • hello again, i notices just two developer listed in github, and most of recent activities on git done by Harro, who are maintaining project now and in future?
  • I don't know where you are looking.

    The codebase for Fuel v1, in the github organisation "Fuel", is virtually frozen at the moment, so you mainly see bugfixes and small improvements.

    The codebase for Fuel v2, in the github organisation "FuelPHP", is being worked on by all three. v2 has a component based architecture, where you can create your own "framework" based on the FuelPHP core and whatever composer component you think you need. We will supply quite a few components, and some have been ready for some time, like Upload, Validation and Fieldset.

    Our main sponsor, FlexCoders ( uses FuelPHP both for their client projects as for their own application portfolio. So even if there will be no-one left to use FuelPHP, it will still exist and be maintained to support them and their investment. 
  • main repository for Ver.2 is this ?

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