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  • hello there,
    I am a fan of open source, use them and like them and want to help them, people some times help projects by donating them, it is OK,

    i like laravel way!

    creating a good frameworks, then selling products and services based on it, smartly way!

    fuelphp is good framework, it is based on good base!, it has good structure, for developing and coding, has necessary features and separated parts, it may not be better than some other frameworks but it is good than some others,

    so if it is not just for fun, make more good documents and tutorials, create a basic cms/starter kit ( for newbie developers like me :) ), publish useful books, sell ;) some video tutorials , ... and make more elegant theme for main site / forum ,

    i think fuelphp can be one of best frameworks in 2016.
  • hi there,
    i get meny things about fuelphp in recent days, i have a question, fuelphp is a at home project, what is plan for growing and becomming one of good frameworks out there?
    maybe fuelphp does not want to be most popular like laravel or monster like zend or symfony or light or super easy to learn like slim and codeigniter, maybe want to be good choice for agencies, ?

    i know there is not suitable place to ask me but i am curious to know it, what is "The general vision"?


    FuelPHP is a simple, flexible, community driven PHP 5.3+ framework,
    based on the best ideas of other frameworks, with a fresh start!

    "" is not good slogan ...

  • i am not going to compare with others, each one want to create notable reputation :
    laravel : Love beautiful code? we do too.the php framework for web artisans
    yii : is a high-performance php framework best for developing web 2 applications.
    codeigniter : with a very small footprint built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit.
    slim is a micro framework that help you quicly write simple yet powerfull applications
    symfony is a set of reusable php components

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I don't know what you mean by "home" project.

    If you mean that no company controls it, then yes, that is correct. FuelPHP is a community project, which means that "the community" decides on where it will go. You, as part of that community, can be part of that, by sending in feature requests, by sending in PR's to improve the existing code, to propose new features that you develop as a whole, to even becoming a team member and work on anything.

    Having said that, the London based company FlexCoders ( sponsors FuelPHP, by allowing their staff to work on FuelPHP and FuelPHP related code in company time.

    We are not really interested to become the next Symfony or Cake. We want to build a great framework, one that we love to use ourselfs. It is nice that others love it to, but that is not our goal, unlike a lot of other frameworks there is no commercial interest driving it. We've seen with CI what happens if commerce takes over. No, thank you.

    We are a small team, we work on it mainly in our spare time, and if we have a choice between improving the framework on make a tutorial, the choice is simple. So no tutorials.

    If you are familiar with MVC, and with PHP OOP, you can understand the docs and write a FuelPHP app without much effort. If you are not, then maybe frameworks aren't for you, and you should learn the basics first.

    And I mean this, we had a new client last week that had an existing Fuel app that needed updating. When you looked at the code, it was PHP4 all the way, from "extract($_POST)" at the top to echo'ing HTML in controllers at the bottom... Really horrible, people like that should not start with a framework. Learn to crawl before you can walk...
  • at home project,  a project that developed by people that like coding, at free times, i liked fuelphp because it is not sympofy or zend or laravel, i got it :) 'goal of fuelphp'
    thnks for your time and i must apologize for sending too many posts :)

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