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Is it possible to add get all the events from a google calendar to fuelphp project?
  • Is it possible to get all the events from a google calendar to fuelphp project? I can create a calendar view exactly from google calendar by embedding to my website, but I want only to get title, details, and when of all the events only. And put it on a list on my website. I want that if I add a event on my google calendar, the list from my website will also be updated. I only need title, description or details and date of events from google calendar.
  • Yes, of course it is possible. However, not with the tools that FuelPHP is providing you.

    Head over to and or search for suitable packages on GitHub or packagist. You might also need some API-Client to interact with the Google API.

    Just give Google search a try for the tools you'll need

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