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continue developing codeigniter application using Fuelphp
  • I have an application that uses codeigniter ver.3, it uses custom auth. library. How i can continue to develop other parts of that using fuelphp?

    for example i developed a section for listing products in CI, but i want use fuelphp for creating edit/add product section, there is 3 problem :

    1- use fuelphp auth. instead of my created one in CI,
    2- location of ci3 and fuelphp 's files.
    3- i think to use new orm model instead of editing ci's models

  • It should not be too difficult to write your own Auth driver that reads the database table used by that Custom Auth library, and uses it.

    You can start of with a copy of Auth_Login_Simpleauth. The docs explain how to write your own login drivers.
  • yes i think creating or expanding login driver would not to be hard, what about location of ci and fuelphp? i have to put fuelphp in subfolder?
  • froccofrocco
    Accepted Answer
    I have a ci3 app that I just copied a fuelphp app into. It seems to work fine.
    in config I have


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