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Pagination class throws exception
  • On localhost, wherever i use pagination it is all good and fine. On the host on the other hand, every time i use the pagination i get this error:
    Exception [ Error ]:
    File "COREPATH/classes/lang/file.php" does not contain class "Fuel\Core\Lang_File"
    I am using it with the sample code from the docs and same data in the database and PHP version (5.5)
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Anything more, as in which line triggers this error? Did you check the file to see if the exception is true, could be a deployment issue?
  • it was the
    $pagination = Pagination::forge('products', $config);
    However i decided to wipe everything off the server and deploy it all over again. Somehow it was fixed, even tho i had not made and changes in other files than the views / controllers. Strange thing is strange.
  • Maybe file corruption, maybe a rights issue? Good you've got it fixed though.

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