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Closure in version 1.7.3
  • I am using FuelPhp version 1. Now I am updating to 1.7.3. I have one
    problem while using view::set_global('name', closure(){}). It works on
    version 1.7 but not works in this version.

    please help me to overcome this problem.
  • My code is:
    class Presenter_Index extends Presenter

        public function view()
             $this->title = 'Testing this Presenter thing';
             $this->echo_upper = function($string)
                                    echo strtoupper($string);

    <h1><?php echo $title; ?></h1>
        $echo_upper('this string');

    This error shows:

    Fatal Error!

    ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]:
    Function name must be a string

    APPPATH/views/index.php @ line 3

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    See the issue.

    We know the issue exists, we don't know yet how to solve it. Further information will be added to the issue.
  • Thanks,

    Hopping to solve this problem soon.
  • Working on it. ;-)
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Issue is fixed in 1.8/develop.

    If you can't switch to the 1.8/dev branch, download these files:
    view class:
    presenter class:

    and replace them in fuel/core.

    Then edit your applications config.php, and add the key:

             * Whether to filter closures as well
            'filter_closures'  => false,

    to have the View and Presenter classes revert to their old behaviour.
  • Thanks.

    It works and solved my problem.

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