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SQl Server
  • hi,
    how can i use SQL Server in fuelphp ?
    please write sample db config code!
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    You might want to check

    It hasn't been tested (which is why the PR hasn't been accepted yet), mainly because we don't do Microsoft, and therefore no SQL server to test with.

    Perhaps you are in a position to see if it works correctly?
  • hi Harro,
    can i use PDO Driver for Connecting SQLServer? (SQL Server 2012 - 2014 Support Limit & Offset)
    if i can please give me sample of config.
  • I can't, no Microshit available in our office. ;-)

    I've had a quick look at the proposed driver, but it doesn't fix all problems, and it's very specific to and old SqlServer version.

    If you want to see what nightmare you have with SQL Server, read which will also give you a good idea why until now there isn't a SQL Server (or Oracle) driver available...
  • hi Harro, (sorry for my bad english)
    i see your link (thanks you), and agree with that.
    for one of my project i must create user
    dashboard base on old data (ms-dos and oracle 8g-old customs software) in the web. (i create very basic framework for that)
    and i work with stupid oracle database pagination, substr, ....
    other framework like laravel support many database.
    but fuelphp is my favorite. (
    The reason I insisted too much for support other db)
    can i use other orm (Like Doctorin, Propel, Axon, Flourish, ...) in fuelphp?

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    You can use any ORM you like.

    Most can be installed through Composer these days, and Fuel is fully compatible with Composer.

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