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create new package from existing file
  • Hi, i have a php file that contains some functions, this functions will be called from other functions or from my application:

    jdf.php :

    funcrion one(){ ... }

    function two(){


    how i can create a package for use this?
  • What do you mean by "package"?

    If these are global functions, and only a few small ones, you can add them to your APP bootstrap. If it's a large(r) file, place it in APPPATH/vendor, and include if from your APP bootstrap.
  • No it is small and just collection of functions to convert Georgian/Persian DateTimes, can you guide me (or gime me a code :P) please how i must add that file into APP bootstrap?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    If it's small, just copy them into your APPPATH/bootstrap.php, at the bottom. Then they will be available in your app and in Oil.

    If you want to keep it a seperate file, place that file in APPPATH/vendor, and use "include" in your app bootstrap to load it.

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