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Is there a tutorial or example on how to use the cache class?
  • I sort of get the idea based on the documentation, but it would really help to see a real example of how to use the cache class.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    It's very simple:

        // retrieve a value from cache
        $cached_value = \Cache::get('somevalue');
    catch (\CacheNotFoundException $e)
        // not found in cache, construct the value
        $cached_value = 'some_value';

        // and store it in cache for up to an hour
       \Cache::set('somevalue, $cached_value, 3600);
  • Let's say you retrieve the value in the cache using \Cache::get().... Does this function reset the expiration of the cache?
    Also, is the expiration based on the files "modified" time, "created_at" or some internal value managed by fuelphp? Basically, I want to know what parameters to look for when performing a cron job. -thanks!
  • No, it doesn't. If you want to renew it after a get(), you need to set() it again.

    The expiration is stored as part of the metadata of the cache object, as it has to function independently of the storage mechanism used.

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