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How can models be updated using php oil?
  • I have a model "Users" that I need to add another table to...
    I added the extra property inside the corresponding model class, then I went to phpmyadmin and added the table (all manually)..
    Is there a way to do this using php oil?
  • philipptempelphilipptempel
    Accepted Answer
    You can create a migration for creating the respective table. Then you'd just need to call `$ oil r migrate` and you're all set
  • Thank you...
    Now, the next question is: How can I generate a migration that takes a model that already exists, for which there is no migration?
    I don't think any of the examples in the documentation contemplate this scenario.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    There is a task called "fromdb", that will generate a migration from an existing table.

    You will have to verify the result, not all info needed can be extracted from the database...
  • Thanks Harro Verton...
    That's good to know.. But how can I generate a migration for a model class I already have?

  • Without having the table you mean, no, that does not exist (as part of the framework).

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