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What could be a reason user automatically logs out after login?
  • I have the following code, and whenever I call the login function, the Auth::check is performed, and the user redirected accordingly... But, if I go to the same login link again... without logging out, the Auth::check() function returns false...

    public function action_login()
            if (Auth::check()) {
                echo 'you are logged in';   // why does this never execute??
            $form = new LoginForm();
            $form = $form->getForm();
            if (Input::method() == 'POST' && Input::post('submit')) {
                if (!$form->validation()->error()) {
                    $login = Model_User::login_ok( Input::post('username'), Input::post('password') );
                    if ( gettype($login) == 'object' && get_class($login) == 'Model_User' ) {
                        if (Auth::check()) {
            $this->template->content = View::forge("front/auth/login", array('form' => $form), false);
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Issue with the session? No session loaded?

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