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Class not found in live environment
  • Hi! I'm having an issue where I am trying to put my site on the live server, but am getting a fatal exception - class not found where it works fine on my local environment. :

  • ErrorException [Fatal Error ]:Class 'Model_SchoolDay' not found

    APPPATH/classes/controller/teacher.php @ line 75

  • public function action_mydetails(){74        $view->lessonTypes Model_Lessontype::get_types_for_teacher();
    75        $view->schoolDays Model_SchoolDay::get_days_list(static::$teacherID);
  •   $view->teacherInfo Model_Teacher::get_teacher_details(static::$teacherID);Model:<?php
    use \Model\functions;

    class Model_SchoolDay extends \Model_Crud
    Top of controller:use \Model\SchoolDay;It's in the same directory as the other classes which load fine and as I say, works fine in development environment.
    Any thoughts?
  • p.s. - sorry for the comment spam... didn't all want to fit in the first box!
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    This is not according to the Fuel coding standards: Model_SchoolDay which should be ucfirst, and should be defined in a file that is completely lowercase, including the path.

    So my guess would be you're developing on Windows (or possible on a Mac with case sensitivity switched off) and deployed on Linux?
  • That's done it! Many thanks... renamed files and classes as you suggested. Developing on mac, so case sensitivity much be turned off.

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