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How to creating REST API subresources and without subresources?
  • Say I want to achieve something like this:


    How would I do it?

    Far as I know, say if I only want the following:


    I will do:

    public function get_users()


    but if I want to let them specify a particular user 1 (or to accept a subresource parameter), say:
    its requires to be:

    public get_users($userid)


    But declaring same name is not allowed, so how can I achieve such behavior?

  • Never mind, I just notice I would write optional parameter and its all working fine.
    But its looks like as the sub-resources goes deeper, the logic within get_users will increasing as there is no way to separate the sub-resources into different function.


    Will be
    public function get_users($userid = null, $subresource_dir = null, $subresource_id, $subresource_dir2, $subresource2_id ......)
    if ($userid != null)
    $subresources_result = $this->get_subresources($userid, subresource_dir , subresource_id);
    if ($subresources_result )
    return $subresources_result ;
    return $this->get_users_detail($userid)
    return $this->get_users_detail();
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    You could use a route to rewrite /api/users/1/posts/1 to
    /api/userposts/1/1 and use a different controller for it?
  • I think you are right!

    So I guess if I want to do versioning the API, I can write route to rewrite

    /api/v1/users/1/posts/1 to /api/v1_userposts/1/1
    /api/v2/users/1/posts/1 to /api/v2_userposts/1/1



  • If you want to keep the code in a single controller, you can also give your controller a router() method. It gets both the method called and the arguments, so you can use that to dispatch the request to different methods.

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