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What's wrong with this validation object?
  • $val = Validation::forge('my_validation');
                $val->add('search_target', 'search_target')->add_rule('required');
                $val->add('tmtrip_id', 'tmtrip_id')->add_rule('required|valid_string[numeric]');

    The program says the last rule is invalid... But in the documentation (validation class), valid_string is mentioned as as a rule, and  'numeric' is mentioned as a array parameter for valid_string...
     Am I using it the wrong way?

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    You're using incorrect syntax.

    As the example ( shows, there are two ways to define rules for a field:

    using add_field(), in which you define all rules in a single string (the syntax you used), or
    add_rule(), which is used to define a  single rule

    Since you're using the last one, it should be

    $val->add('tmtrip_id', 'tmtrip_id')
        ->add_tule('valid_string', array('numeric'));

  • Thank you very much

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